The Habit of Giving Without Expecting — Generosity!

Manasvi Dawda
3 min readMay 17, 2020

Well when it comes to generosity there is only one name that pops up in the head and that is “Mother Teresa”

In her words: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”

A generous person is not required to give all their properties away. A generous person is also not required to allow others to push them around. Being generous involves, the readiness to give and sometimes more than is required.

Being generous takes kindness to the next level. You might be kind at heart, and often think about helping others, but unless you take the time to help others by offering your time, energy, or other resources for the benefit of another person, you have not understood the art of being generous. Generosity moves us to give of ourselves voluntarily, and expect nothing in return.

I know you will be wondering how giving away can help you live a better life. The truth is that many people view generosity as one of the keys to being truly happy in this troubled world. Many medical practitioners will attest to the fact that being generous is also very good for your health.

Here are some of the proven benefits of giving generously:

• Increased sense of purpose

• Positive Outlook

• Greater satisfaction with life

• Higher Self-Esteem

• Stronger family values

• Satisfaction with what you have

• More likely to benefit from the generosity of others

A generous person often explores opportunities to do good for others. Just think about volunteers who make their way to help out at various social events.

Simple acts like helping an elderly lady with her grocery bags, or stopping to allow a child to cross the road, can be considered generous. This kind of concern for others proves profitable because it forces us to focus on the needs of others instead of on our problems.

Anything that reduces the effect of our problems, whether in our relationships or even financially, will have a direct effect on our health.

Being generous protects us from all the bitterness that makes it so hard to navigate our way through this world.

I would, however, encourage you to be cautious as you endeavor to be more generous. Be very careful of how you demonstrate your generosity. Remember that your safety may come into action when being generous. Many people have been cheated when asked by a seemingly homeless person to give some money.

Reaching into your wallet or bag, and revealing where your cash is kept, and how much cash you have, is a bad idea, no matter how needy the person may appear to be. A safer option would be to let the person know that you will return with a gift.

I would strongly suggest that you go to a crowded and safe location, one that is away from the appearing needy person and pack everything that you would like to donate to this individual and then go back and do the needful.

My final word of caution is that you need to feel out the vibe of the person before being too generous. Some people like spontaneity and others prefer it if you first ask them if they need your help. Even the best of intentions can put you in awkward situations if the person is not looking for your help.

We have discussed in detail over the past few days, how improving various aspects of your character can help REBOOT YOU, and avoid a lot of the emotional baggage that comes along with the negativity in this world.

The final step of this 7 Day Series holds the most important key to fixing all the scars caused by this world.

I will be back tomorrow to help you learn more about what that is.




Manasvi Dawda

Writing is my passion. Through my writing, I want to share content that motivates, inspires, and uplifts a person.