Learn the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see — Kindness!

Manasvi Dawda
4 min readMay 15, 2020

Being kind means being empathetic, polite, kind, and friendly. To get a friend, you must be a friend. Even more, cliché is the saying, ‘birds of a feather, flock together.’ If you want to attract happy, supportive people into your life, you need to be that kind of person. Think about it, why would anyone want to be around you otherwise?

It is always said, that the memory of your interaction with a person will fade but people will remember how that interaction made them feel. When we are not kind to somebody, we make the lives of those around us much harder than it has to be. When we are mean or unpleasant we make others feel unloved, underappreciated, and lonely.

Would you want anyone to treat you that way?
Would you enjoy such harsh treatment?
Don’t you think to treat people that way at work, at school, or home, makes your life a lot harder than it has to be as well?

Kindness encourages a spirit of cooperation, even among people who do not know each other. Surrounding yourself with people who are willing to work alongside you is far easier than trying to conquer this world alone.

Being unkind covers a wide variety of actions. Our words are the most common form of unkindness. Using your words to put others down and elevate yourself is not only unkind, but it is also a very selfish act, that often causes more harm than good. A key aspect of kindness is being polite. Let us take some time to learn more about this beautiful quality.

Why Be Polite?

Being polite is not as hard as some people make it seem. While it is true that being polite is becoming increasingly difficult as a result of the negative attitudes of the people around us, but it is not impossible. Instead, being polite might increase the ego of these individuals.

Our being polite reflects positively on our personality, come what may. Polite individuals are often thought of as kind, principled, professional, and pleasant. And with this very interconnected world that we live in, you just never know who you might have insulted.

Just imagine how embarrassed you will be if you show up for a job interview, only to realize that the woman you just cursed in the parking lot because you think she parked in ‘your’ spot, is the interviewer. Trust me, such incidents could happen to you.

Being polite involves being respectful and thoughtful of the needs, feelings, time, resources, and values of others. Being polite and kind will make you very likable and will encourage others to reciprocate your kindness. Another benefit of being polite is that it will make it very easy for you to gain the respect of those around you.

Even if they do not immediately change their behavior, they will be forced to respect you and your standards. Eventually, they may change for the better as a result of your efforts.
Respect has to be earned and being polite is one of the easiest ways to earn it.

How to be Polite and Kind?

The first thing our generation needs to start with is: if you have nothing kind to say, don’t say it, post it on social media, or even think it.

Well, this is easy, don’t be tight with greetings and salutations. If you enter a room, pleasantly greet all present. When you are leaving, kindly excuse yourself. And if you are greeted, respond warmly and with a smile.

Thirdly, do not criticize the efforts of others, especially when it is obvious that they tried very hard to perform a particular task. If you must offer some helpful analysis, sandwich it with some positive praise.

Furthermore, be appreciative of the efforts of others. Even if what is displayed is not to your liking, there is no necessity to make it obvious.

Try to learn a little about the cultural norms and beliefs of those around you. You do not have to share their views, you simply need to know enough not to unintentionally offend them. It is also most polite to allow them to freely express these views, without fear of being disrespected. You can always agree to disagree.

You do not always have to emphasize on things being done your way. Give someone else a chance to glow now and then.

Don’t hold conversations by speaking only about yourself and your achievements. Show personal interest in others by asking them about them and listening to what they have to say.

When someone is speaking to you, give them your full attention. Stop walking, typing, or whatever else you are doing, and make eye contact while having a conversation!

If you are busy, politely pause, evaluate how long the conversation needs to be, assure them that you value what they have to say, and then continue the conversation as per the convenience of both the individuals.

Well, I am sure you already knew most of the things that I discussed today, but the question is do you follow these simple acts in life?

Anyway, I will be back tomorrow with my next article emphasizing on an attribute that only the Strong possess!

Till then, stay tuned and stay happy!



Manasvi Dawda

Writing is my passion. Through my writing, I want to share content that motivates, inspires, and uplifts a person.